Sourcing picture

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing

Buy better.
With a stronger relationship with your suppliers.
It is time to bring the focus to your sourcing strategy and enforce savings and supplier satisfaction.

Our expert consultants will ensure SAP Ariba brings savings to your organization, but not only. Thanks to the Ariba Supplier Network you will be able to diversify your supplier base, sell your inventory surplus via forward auctions and get more visibility on a global market.

Get in touch now!

Standardize your processes to bring efficiency

Make use of unified sourcing processes, across teams and business units to drive savings and optimization across your spend categories.

Increase speed in your sourcing cycle with template-based events created in a matter of minutes. You can focus on your sourcing strategy as you free up time in your teams.

Whether a standalone event or a full sourcing project, provide your teams with the tools and procurement-approved processes to guaranty compliance redure maverick spending.

Ensure cost efficiency by linking your sourcing processes to your contracting process. The savings you just negotiated are now fully realized.

Contract Lifecycle Management

Improve supplier selection to minimize supply risks

You can use SAP Ariba to source any commodity or service: indirect, direct, you are now in a position to negotiate sustainable savings as you are in the right strategic sourcing environment.

At the tip of your fingers, on the Ariba Network, you are connected to a vast business to business network of more than 3 million companies.

Challenge your incumbent suppliers and discover new companies who can help reduce your supply risks, all this on the Ariba Network.

One of the largest business to business network

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite

Integrate deep data analysis, online sourcing, a contract management module and supplier information and performance into a single place: the SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite.

At once, you can:

  • Gain a greater forcasting ability,
  • Enable your sourcing strategy and increase your negotiation capacity with e-auctions,
  • Secure negotiated savings with a fast and efficient online contracting process,
  • All this while keeping track of supplier risks, product quality and supplier performance.

This full loop allows feedback to be provided to adjust your sourcing strategy.

This is more than just savings!

Supplier Information, Performance and Risk Management